Usually the realisation dawns just after the happiest of news…..”Dad, I’m getting married!” or “You’re my oldest friend….would you be my best man?” – “Of course – I’d be honoured”
And then the reality hits you. The OMG moment when you realise “I’m going to have to stand up in front of a bunch of people and make a speech. I can’t do it!”. Yes you can. And the good news is that ‘The Laughter of Ceremonies’ is here to help. You really aren’t alone.
Peter Edge has been writing his own speeches, and helping people write and deliver theirs, for over thirty years. He can spot the potential for a laugh, and he’s happy to exploit it on your behalf. Even if it’s a eulogy you’ve got to deliver, most people would rather remember (and be remembered for!) a heart warming and funny story, well crafted and well delivered – that’s one reason why the word ‘Funeral’ is so often replaced with ‘Celebration of the Life’ these days.
‘Best Man’, ‘Best Woman’, ‘Father of the Bride’, whatever the role, Peter can review your speech, and advise on timing, structure, content and delivery, to make the most of the material you’ve got. It’s a careful balance – it’s not your show! He’ll show you where you can get a laugh, where you can’t, and where your authentic, personal knowledge will have the greatest impact.
Why not give Peter a call on 07739 300977 or Email: to see how he can help you create a memorable and entertaining speech that you can deliver with confidence.